MAKB is a team of dedicated tech enthusiasts and experts delivering the latest insights and developments in technology. Covering topics such as programming languages, data science, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and more, MAKB provides clear, practical, and up-to-date information for tech professionals and enthusiasts. Stay tuned for expert guides, tutorials, and industry news to help you stay ahead in the fast-paced tech world.

What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

1. Introduction Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is when a machine can understand, learn, and apply knowledge like humans can. AGI goes beyond narrow AI which is good at specific tasks. AGI aims to have a wide range of cognitive abilities…

JavaScript vs TypeScript in 2024

Brief history and overview of JavaScript and TypeScript What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language that runs in web browsers. It powers dynamic behavior on websites and web applications. JavaScript was created in 1995 and has gone…

Python vs Java in 2024

Introduction Python and Java have been two of the most popular and widely used programming languages for over two decades. As we enter 2024, both languages continue to evolve and carve out important niches in software development. But which language…

What is Tech Jargon?

What Exactly is “Tech Jargon”? Tech jargon refers to the specialized vocabulary – words, abbreviations, and phrases – used when talking about technology. These technical terms relate to computing concepts, hardware components, software programs, and more. Tech jargon can mystify…

Top 10 Tech Skills Everyone Should Have in 2024

Our digital world grows more advanced daily. Smartphones in pockets, apps on demand, lightning-fast wireless connections – technology empowers life in many ways! However, with great innovation comes great responsibility to skill up. Here are 10 key tech skills modern…

An Introduction to System Design Basics

Whether you are someone just starting out in software engineering or have experience as a developer and want to improve your skills in system design, it is extremely useful to understand system design Basics well. System design is the process…

What is an SRS Document? A Guide to Software Requirements Specifications

What exactly is a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document? A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) outlines the key functional and non-functional requirements identified for a planned software application. It serves as the core reference document which the software development team will…

Proof of Stake vs Proof of Work

Introduction Cryptocurrencies allow peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries due to ingenious blockchain architectures decentralized globally. However, confirming transactions occurs securely avoids double-spending the same funds simultaneously. Competing consensus models include proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS) achieving agreement…

Top 10 Examples of Artificial General Intelligence

Introduction Artificial general intelligence (AGI) refers to machines that can understand and learn any intellectual task that a human can. AGI is considered the holy grail of artificial intelligence – a single system that can match or exceed human intelligence…

Quantum Computing in 2024: What’s Next?

Introduction Quantum computing is advancing quickly. By 2024, we may see bigger and more powerful quantum computers. This article looks at what to expect with quantum computing in 2024 and beyond. By 2024, quantum computers are projected to advance to…