Category Uncategorized

Discover a Tech Treasure Trove at MAKB Tech’s Uncategorized Section!

This section is your one-stop shop for interesting tech finds that don’t quite fit neatly into other categories. We explore a wide range of topics, from tech history and fascinating gadgets to tips and tricks that can make your life easier. It’s a place to be surprised, learn something new, and find hidden gems in the world of technology. So, come explore and see what tech adventures await!

How to Create an Effective Programming Resume

black flat screen computer monitor

Tech is a tough fie­ld, and your resume often se­rves as your first impression for future e­mployers. This is how to make an effective programming resume­: Start with a Strong Summary Begin your resume with a brief, powerful statement about…

Top 10 Skills to Learn in 2024

Illustration of a young professional analyzing various digital skills. They sit at a desk with a laptop, facing a large screen displaying data visualizations, charts, and icons representing different tech fields like data science, digital marketing, and software development.

With technology zooming ahe­ad and job markets changing, it’s super important to stay up to spee­d. Now we’re in 2024, some skills have­ really stood out as useful for all sorts of jobs. This simple guide­ is your map to…

The Future of Video Creation: Leveraging AI for Success

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and video creation is no exception. The integration of AI technologies in video production has unlocked a realm of possibilities, transforming the way content is conceptualized, produced, and consumed. This article delves into…

A Beginner’s Guide to Open Source Licensing

A modern workspace with an iMac displaying 'Open Source Licensing' on its screen, surrounded by office accessories including a desk lamp, keyboard, mouse, plant, and headphones on a white desk.

Introduction Modern technology works because of open-source software. It drives everything from basic web pages to sophisticated data analysis systems. For those unfamiliar with open source, however, determining the legal side of things may be challenging. This tutorial aims to…

Utilizing MacOS Built-in Security Tools for Enhanced Cyber Defense

A person working on a laptop with a "Virus Detected" warning displayed on the screen, surrounded by a coffee mug, plant, and book on a wooden desk.
Maximize MacOS security with built-in tools like XProtect, Gatekeeper, FileVault encryption, System Integrity Protection, firewall, and more. Protect against malware, unauthorized access, and data breaches by leveraging Apple's robust security features. Maintain system integrity through software updates, antivirus solutions, and backup strategies.

Software Product Engineering: A Complete Guide

A team of software developers collaborating on a software product engineering project while working on laptops and digital devices.
Software product engineering guides the full lifecycle of creating valuable software that meets user needs - from requirements gathering to continuous improvement. This complete guide covers the product engineering process, principles, roles and benefits.

HTML6: The Future of Web Development

HTML text in random style
Discover HTML6's anticipated release date, exciting features like web components and native lazy loading, impact on development workflows, and strategies for embracing this new era of the HTML language.