MAKB is a team of dedicated tech enthusiasts and experts delivering the latest insights and developments in technology. Covering topics such as programming languages, data science, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and more, MAKB provides clear, practical, and up-to-date information for tech professionals and enthusiasts. Stay tuned for expert guides, tutorials, and industry news to help you stay ahead in the fast-paced tech world.

C++ vs Rust in 2024: Which Language Should You Choose?

Introduction For decades, C++ dominated low-level system programming as defacto foundation fueling high-performance software infrastructure across devices, browsers, databases and enterprise backends leveraged globally today relied upon mission critically universally by nearly organization. However, proliferating security vulnerabilities plaguing aging codebases…

Demystifying Ethereum: How Smart Contracts & dApps Work

Introduction An open-source distributed blockchain providing decentralized computing infrastructure enables censorship-resistance, fraud-minimized applications without centralized intermediaries historically adding fees, restrictions and single points failure into technology architectures. This definitive Ethereum guide helps technically curious readers grasp foundational concepts first before…

Scaling Databases Through Sharding: Strategies for Massive Data Volumes

Introduction As APPLICATION transactions accelerate, database performance often bogs down unable to query efficiently at scale resulting in degraded customer experiences lacking speed expected today. Sharding innovates storage architectures partitioning data across multiple database nodes improving throughput overburdened single server…

Building Modern Web Apps: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Introduction Websites progressing beyond basic informational pages deliver advanced interactive user experiences resemble fluid mobile apps users increasingly prefer through intuitive web applications usable anywhere across devices accessible one URL link away frictionlessly. This definitive web application guide helps technically…

Demystifying Agile Methodology and Scrum: A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction Traditional sequential software development cycles no longer sustain rapidly evolving digital products and customer expectations needing continual updates balancing new features and technical debt. This definitive guide explains Agile methodologies with focused Scrum practices helping beginners deliver faster through…

Quantum Computing with AI and ML: The Coming Revolution

Introduction As quantum computing promises immense leaps solving complex problems intractable for classical machines today, marrying the field with artificial intelligence and machine learning specifically holds revolutionary potential still scarcely grasped fully by most. This guide explores the vast possibilities…

Demystifying REST API Design: An In-Depth Guide for Beginners

Introduction As interoperability between modern applications accelerates, API design principles balance security, speed and developer experience determining adoption beyond proof of concepts maturing towards scales matching business model growth ambitions long term. This definitive REST API guide covers industry best…

What is API? A Beginner’s Guide to Application Programming Interfaces

Introduction As software capabilities grow increasingly modular serving specific functions accessible others, the connections enabling separate applications exchanging data – often residing user-facing frontends requesting backend logic across servers – are called APIs. These application programming interfaces constitute simplified communication…

Getting Started with PHP Programming: A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction An accessible scripting language powering over 70% the web, PHP enables server-side website logic and dynamic capabilities connecting users to backend databases and applications at global scale. This definitive PHP programming guide covers core language basics helping technically curious…

Data Pipelines Explained: A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction As crucial business decisions rely increasingly on data, the digital infrastructure moving datasets through interconnected systems grows foundational importance ensuring reliable analytics downstream. These conveyor belt style transports known as data pipelines carry analytics lifeblood data flows powering enterprise-wide…

What is Data Analytics Lifecycle?

Introduction As global data volume explodes exponentially across devices, applications and users today, crucial insights risk getting obscured without a structured analytics methodology taming volumes into value-improving decisions and experiences. This definitive data analytics lifecycle guide outlines sequential stages leading…

What Is Data Warehousing? A Simplified Beginner’s Guide

Introduction As data volume, variety and velocity explode across enterprises, crucial insights risking overwhelming analysts through scattered architectures and inconsistent reporting motivated centralized data warehousing formally organizing business information ultimately empowering transformed decision confidence. This definitive data warehousing guide educates…

What is Blockchain? A Simple Beginner’s Guide

Introduction Often shrouded in technical mysticism and cryptocurrency hype swirling speculatively, blockchain as a paradigm shifting technology holds immense unrealized potential evolving global systems transactions conducted more securely, transparently plus efficiently. This definitive blockchain guide cuts through heightening complexities demystifying…

How to Start Your Programming Career: Entry-Level Roles and Growth Paths

Introduction Aspiring developers wondering how to start a programming career gain significant advantages understanding likely beginner placements and subsequent advancement pathways maximizing skills long-term. While no singular trajectory applies across diverse company sizes, industries and technology stacks, common entry-level programming…