MAKB is a team of dedicated tech enthusiasts and experts delivering the latest insights and developments in technology. Covering topics such as programming languages, data science, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and more, MAKB provides clear, practical, and up-to-date information for tech professionals and enthusiasts. Stay tuned for expert guides, tutorials, and industry news to help you stay ahead in the fast-paced tech world.

MySQL Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to Database Tables, Queries, and Beyond

Introduction Relational databases provide the backbone for storing and accessing the dynamic data powering online applications users interact with daily. Learning fundamentals empower developers to build apps leveraging historical information tracked also configuring storage structures optimized supporting emerging feature requests…

Mastering HTML and CSS in 2024: Journey From Beginner to Expert

Introduction Despite modern abstractions hiding complexity accessing lower levels still conveys foundational wisdoms deepening mastery appreciably for those investing patience progressing purposefully. This HTML and CSS guide charts course navigating novice trails toward expert peaks explaining concepts fundamentals through leading-edge…

Understanding Jamstack: The Modern Web Development Architecture

Introduction As web applications grow increasingly complex securing vast data flows across devices, web development shifted decisively from monolithic architectures tangled hosting infrastructure and backend logic together now separating concerns deploying frontend code standalone from backend services independently. This new…

Vue vs React in 2024: Which JavaScript UI Framework Should You Learn?

Introduction Modern web development relies increasingly on JavaScript frameworks streamlining front-end coding designing interactive user interfaces browser-based apps expected today. Developers weigh options balancing project needs starting by evaluating leading frameworks like React and Vue measuring differences guiding upskilling choices…

Open Source Career: Skills, Roles and Opportunities

Introduction Beyond free usage benefiting users immediately, open source (OS) software development builds public portfolios demonstrating practical coding abilities also soft skills alike attracting career options globally neither academia nor commercial proprietary works alone qualify easily verifiably. This OS career…

How to Become a Programmer in 2024: A Definitive Guide

Introduction Technology permeates modern lives exponentially while skilled programmers remain scarce meeting unrelenting software demands every industry faces. Aspiring developers determining efficient education paths balancing affordability, curricula completeness and career timeframe urgency all influence navigating proven routes into reliable six-figure…

Software Developer Salaries Unraveled: Skills, Experience, and the Negotiation Game

Introduction Software engineering incomes grew increasingly competitive recent decades as global talent shortages widen unmatched technology job growth across nearly every industry digitizes operations digitally needing programmers architecting systems powering newly disruptive capabilities last generation incumbents now playing catch-up hastily…

Open Source Licensing: A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction Beyond free usage, open source software licenses authorize redistribution freedoms together modified works constructed permitting collaborative open innovation differently closed-source counterparts restrict through constrained use terms ultimately throttling publicly shared progress decades evidence proves repeatedly unlike today. This licensing…

Explainable AI: Achieving Transparency and Accountability

Introduction As artificial intelligence permeates decision-critical domains like healthcare, justice and finance, stakeholders rightfully demand model accountability explaining automated choices impacting people’s lives needing redress freedoms when systems fail cases unexpectedly. New interdisciplinary explainable AI (XAI) practices foster trustworthiness lifting…

AI Ethics All Engineers Should Adopt: Best Practices Safeguarding Users

Introduction Beyond accuracy metrics alone, responsible AI obliges upholding behavioral alignment thoughtfully appraising social impacts automated systems perpetuate unintendedly when unleashed at global scales Teams underestimating ethical diligence early risk provoking public backlash losing trust harder regaining once lost through…

Global AI Regulation and Compliance for Developers

Introduction As algorithms influence society reckoning accountability, economic competitiveness and human rights flashpoints emerge needing globally coordinated policy responses aligning public and private sector interests cooperatively long term. This guide surveys regulatory landscape complexities help technologists appreciate legal currents courts…

Algorithmic Bias in AI Systems

Introduction As artificial intelligence (AI) permeates decision-making across healthcare, justice, finance and more, muted groups historically marginalized must safeguard seat at tables crafting behavioral rules automation now encodes potentially negatively without thoughtful scrutiny. This definitive algorithmic bias guide helps even…

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The Future of Fintech?

 Introduction As blockchain technology matures decentralizing processes historically intermediaried, global finance now digitally reinvents itself through decentralized apps and autonomous smart contracts instantly executing transparent transactions sans privileged brokers extracting fees or restricting participation freedoms before unnecessarily. This definitive DeFi guide explores transitionary potential,…

What is NFT (Non-Fungible Token)?

Introduction Digital scarcity now secures online assets verifiably across entertainment, gaming, physical product authentication, fine art and emerging metaverse virtual economies through non-fungible tokens (NFTs) mathematically guaranteeing originality persistently. This definitive NFT guide helps technically curious readers grasp slippery concepts…

How to Start Blockchain Development: Languages, Tools and Key Concepts

Introduction Blockchain development skills remain scarce yet valued immensely transforming industries through expandable peer-to-peer network architectures decentralizing trust historically residing organizations alone now collectively shared communally ensuring integrity mathematically. This hands-on blockchain guide surveys route options helping technically curious newcomers…