MAKB is a team of dedicated tech enthusiasts and experts delivering the latest insights and developments in technology. Covering topics such as programming languages, data science, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and more, MAKB provides clear, practical, and up-to-date information for tech professionals and enthusiasts. Stay tuned for expert guides, tutorials, and industry news to help you stay ahead in the fast-paced tech world.

A Comprehensive Guide to DevOps Automation

What is DevOps Automation? DevOps automation refers to automating many of the software development, testing, deployment, operations, and infrastructure management processes involved in taking code from development into production rapidly, reliably, and repeatedly. By utilizing DevOps automation tools and services,…

Introduction to Quantum Computing Services

What is Quantum Computing? Imagine if your computer could harness strange quantum effects to work in radical new ways. Quantum computers tap into marvels like ‘superposition‘ – being in multiple states at once – and ‘entanglement‘ between particles to blow…

Data Storytelling

What is Data Storytelling? Definition Data storytelling is the practice of developing compelling narratives to explain the meaning behind data and connect it to larger business objectives and insights. It involves going beyond the numbers to craft a story that…

Is HTML a Programming Language?

Introduction HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a standard markup language used for creating web pages and web applications. With the growth of the web, HTML has become an essential skill for developers. But is HTML actually considered a programming language?…

Introduction to Vectorization in Python

Vectorization is a technique for dramatically accelerating Python code by avoiding explicit loops and applying operations to entire arrays. It can provide order-of-magnitude performance improvements for data analysis, machine learning, scientific computing, and more. This guide covers core concepts, tools,…

Top 10 Most Powerful Quantum Computers in the world 2024

Introduction Quantum computers leverage the strange properties of quantum physics to perform calculations fundamentally differently than classical computers. By encoding information in quantum bits or “qubits”, they can solve complex problems with real-world applications in cryptography, artificial intelligence, drug discovery,…

What is Information Technology (IT)?

Information technology (IT) plays an integral role in how organizations across every industry operate and deliver services. But for those new to the world of IT, some of the common terminology and concepts can be confusing. This article provides an…

Server-Based Computing

Introduction to Server-Based Computing Server-based computing refers to a centralized model where end-user devices access computing resources, applications, and data that are hosted on remote servers. Instead of programs and files being stored locally on desktops or laptops, everything resides…

Applied Predictive Technology

Introduction to Applied Predictive Technology Predictive analytics uses statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to study current data as well as historical information. It figures out hidden trends in the data that allow it to make accurate predictions of what…

PL/SQL: The Backbone of Database Development – A Must-Know Language

Introduction to PL/SQL PL/SQL is a procedural extension language for SQL and the Oracle relational database. It combines the data manipulation power of SQL with the procedural capabilities of traditional programming languages. PL/SQL plays a pivotal role in database application…

What is a Network Management System?

A network management system (NMS) is a set of hardware and/or software tools that allow network administrators to monitor, configure, optimize and secure a computer network. NMS tools are designed to keep track of performance and devices on a network,…

Quantum Computing: Everything You Need to Know

Introduction to Quantum Computing Quantum computing is an advanced form of computing that utilizes quantum mechanics and qubits to perform calculations. It has the potential to solve complex problems beyond the capacity of classical computers by tapping directly into subatomic…

Will AI Replace Programmers?

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Programmers? Even with AI coding aids, human supervision remains key by providing creative guidance AI still lacks. Programmers like this one leverage AI helpers while bringing irreplaceable human contextual decision-making to complex programming challenges. Lots…

Introduction to Quantum Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) refers to AI systems with more broad and flexible intelligence on par with humans. Rather than being narrowly focused on specific tasks, AGI aims for generally applicable problem-solving and learning abilities. There is much interest in…